We did! Although I take primary responsibility/blame for setting this document in the form that you see, and for writing most of it, this FAQ is the collective work of a group of aviation fans who thoroughly enjoy and respect the capabilities of the A-10A.
We are listed (hopefully) alphabetically by email address, with our respective backgrounds...
•acesimmer@aol.com - Jim Ellis. Technology specialist.
•afc spad@aol.com - Eugene Pak. Primary author of this document. Neuroscientist in human cognition and perception. Mac consultant.
•eljefe80@aol.com - Ed Herlik. Author, inventor and one-time Hog Driver. Contributed a reality check and editing.
•jabowser@aol.com - James A. Bowser. Information from my father, William J. Bowser, retired Ordnance Engineer for Aerojet-General (Chino Hills), Engineer for the GAU-8 munitions project.
•jc26@aol.com - James Anderson. SSgt, USAF (active duty). Military Air Traffic Controller; previous experience in Security Police & Stinger Missile Air Defense teams.
•maury@softarc.com - Maury Markowitz. Senior Tech Support, SoftArc Inc. Just an aviation buff.
•mindzeye@aol.com - Sean "Mindzeye" Pirtle. Mac consultant.
•montressor@aol.com - Israel "Dogzilla" Alvarez. Mac DTP consultant and general propeller-head.
•pday@msmail4.hac.com - Art Day. Retired Naval Aviator/Test Pilot; 280 combat missions over Vietnam in the F-4 Phantom II.
•slkassoc@aol.com - Stuart L. Koehl. Author, Historian and Defense Analyst (Beltway Bandit or Parkway Patriot).
•tv toon@aol.com - Tyler Gee. Former USAF instructor Pilot, 2600 hours multi-engine jet time. Now flying simple puddle jumpers (Cessnas).